Genetic Genealogy Testing a DNA Primer Test Methods, Markers, Targets and Results DNA Testing Basics Y DNA Markers (Simplified) Genetic Genealogy Matching Autosomal Match Analysis Gathering Autosomal Data yDNA STR Match Analysis yDNA SNP Matching Phylogenetic Tree Interpretation yDNA Haplogroup Comparisons Finding Deeper Y Haplogroups Third Party Analysis Tools Errors in Matching NGS Data File Processing Bioinformatics Documents STR Extraction from BAM files SNP Databases Y DNA Sequencing Comparisons Characterizing an FTDNA BigY file WGS Extract Advanced Topics (& Bleeding Edge Studies) Ornery STR Matching (OSM) Match Codes: Marking Autosomal Matches Ordering FamilyTreeDNA SNP Packs Orphaned DNA Project Privacy and DNA Databases ยป yDNA STR Match Analysis (placeholder to pull in the yDNA match material in one place — out of glossary and other pages)