
B27 Simon (Hans Jacob) Harr b1734 Lotzbeuren, Germany (Prussia)

Simon (Hans Jacob) Harr
b. 1734 Lotzbeuren, Germany (Prussia)
m. multiple
d. 1797 Strasburg, Virginia, USA
Johannes Harr Jr, c1680 Germany (Prussia)EKA
See the related DNA Groupings page for more information on latest discoveries with DNA.

8 years to the day since the first tester, we finally have a match. Only to discover the two testers EKA are half-brothers to an immigrant that they had not yet discovered. So changed the continent of their origin, greatly expanded their family trees, and helped them form a new haplogroup 1500 years closer to present than before. This is the first German Harr group to make it this far in our project. Which was started and focused on English surname variations that ended up as Harr in the USA. The breakthrough after the DNA match indication was due to the extensive research in a public tree by Kathleen Harr.

Researchers and Descendants (current)

Kathleen Harr Anc Richard Meric4, Thomas3, Jonas2, Simon1
Kenneth Harr *Y Anc  Richard Meric4, Thomas3, Jonas2, Simon1
Herbert Harr *Y MyH Raleigh (Buck) Barker4, Zimri3, John2, Simon1
* Family member DNA tested; placed in group (YDNA-STR and/or Autosomal SNP aka FamilyFinder)
** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only

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