B13 Hoare's of Greens Norton, Northamptonshire

Thomas HORE,
b.1480circa, Greens Norton, Northamptonshire, England
m.1500circa Elizabeth xxxx
See the B13 DNA Groupings page for more information on the latest discoveries with DNA.

This page / branch is dedicated to David G. Hoare who urged its creation before the DNA testing would warrant it. His passion to search for the origins of his family and all with the surname is missed. A majority of the work expressed here is due to William Acton of Hoare's Bank. But it is David who collaborated within everyone and brought the work to light through his HoareOrigins website. Rest in Peace David.

DNA testing has now confirmed the Faithful Hoare's,and Edward Hoare's branches are truly the same. Still awaiting DNA test confirmation for the Barns Elm or Banking Hoare's, but that appears likely as well. It appeared probable given each groups independent work that takes them back to Greens Norton in the same time period. And early, inconclusive yDNA work hinted this may be true. But it is always nice to definitively confirm. And amazing, given the MRCA is in the 1500's, that single testers can confirm this (no NPEs in all those years on the different lines).

David G shared a description of the common ancestor for these families on his HoareOrigins website. Specifically, the description by William Acton of the Greens Norton, Northhampton Hoare family origins. (Access to the file, although an HTML file, causes a file download that you then must open in your browser as a separate action.) We have created a guide to David G's website on our wiki here, and a google map depicting the central location of the GED files that David posted to his website; useful for all searching for the surname in southern England where it predominates

In summary, here is the EKA of each sub-branch as known today along with the later better known descendant through which our tested members descend:
EKA NameBMDLocationDefining NameBMDLocationNotes
Faithful Hoareb.1683ca, d.1741caPaulerspury, Northampton, England Richard Charles Hoareb.1836,d/1916 Deanshanger, Northamptonshire, EnglandFaithful Hoare is believed a 2xGreat-Grandson of Thomas Hore
Maj Edward Hoared.1690County Cork, Ireland Maj. Ed. Hoare is believed a 2xGreat-Grandson of Thomas Hore 1
Henry Hoared.1655Walton, Buckingham, EnglandSir Richard Hoare England Henry Hoare is believed a 2xGreat-Grandson of Thomas Hore 1

Minor Sections in a Larger Work

External References

1 David G's "Research and Information" pages covering William Acton's work on the Greens Norton lines and how these three family branches originate there