K02 Henry Hoare d.1654 in Walton, Buckingham, England

Henry Hoare
d.1654 in Walton, Buckingham, England
Sir Richard Colt Hoare
d.18xx in Stourhead, , England
Well Known

Often referred to as the "Banking Hoare's" as they are the founding, and still controlling, family of the private Hoare's Bank in London. As a result, one of the more modern day "known" families; especially in the 1800's. Includes Hoare families in Middlesex, Surrey, Wilts and Essex.  The main source of knowledge on the family, Sir Richard Colt Hoare, is from Stourhead (Manor) in Wilts; now a National Trust site. His earliest ancestor he could find is Henry Hoare of Walton d.1654. The bank published some updated trees in the early 1900's (see below).

Sir Richard includes the Risford Manor Hore's of Devon in the first four pages of his work but states he is not sure if they are linked or not. Like others, he notes the similar / same Coat of Arms used by both families.  He suspects his EKA Henry may be the brother of William who sold the Risford Manor in 1630. The similar Coat of Arms used in documents is the same argument made by licensed genealogists researching Hezekiah Hoar's line to link Thomas Hore of Axminster to Robert Hore of Risford Manor; but was not accepted by the college of heraldry when presented with this evidence in the 1990's.

Sir Richard Colt Hoare became a historian of nearby Stonehenge and his surrounding areas around Stourhead; as well as Italy and other subjects. He published many books on these topics in his time.

Researchers and Descendants (current)

Robert CandyAncy unknown
Richard HodgsonMyH Richard5, Benjamin4, Sir RIchard3, Henry2, Henry1
William Acton url genealogist for Hoare's Bank

* Family member DNA tested; placed in group (YDNA-STR and/or Autosomal SNP aka FamilyFinder)
** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only
No descendants have been tested.  No current descendants contacted. Robert stopped going back at William Henry, b.1776 and has not taken the work back further. Not clear if he is a descendant or simply a fan who did not have access to Sir Richard Colt's book.

Researchers and Descendants (historic)

Sir Richard Colt Hoare

Books and Articles

  • Hoare, Sir Richard Colt, Pedigrees and memoirs of the families of Hore, of Rushford, co. Devon; Hoare of Walton, co. Bucks; Hoare, of London, co. Middlesex; Hoare, of Mitcham, co. Surrey; Hoare, of Stourton, co. Wilts.; Hoare, of Barn-Elms, co. Surrey; Hoare, of Boreham, Essex, 1819, Bath, England (Stourton)  (see WorldCat for 7 copies cataloged in various libraries in UK, Australia and Sweden). Scanned Copy and 2-Sided, 8.5x11 now available from our project here (2015, 1st Edition). 
  • Hoare, Sir Richard, A Journal of Shrievalty, published in 1815 by his grandson Sir Richard Colt Hoare by Richard Cruttwell, Bath, England (see WorldCat for 2 of the 25 copies printed)
  • C. Hoare & Co., Hoare's Bank; A Record: 1673-1932, 1932, private printing,London, England; 2nd Edition 1955 Collins(see WorldCat; in many libraries) (note: some attribute this book to one of the partners: Henry P. R. Hoare. But both editions appear to be anonymous with the foreword signed simply by the bank itself. Hence, likely both editions out of copyright but verifying.)
  • Hutchings, Victoria, ''Messrs Hoare Bankers: A History of the Hoare Banking Dynasty", 2005, Constable, London, 240pp (WorldCat)

Minor section in a larger work:

Notable Family Members

  • Sir Richard Colt Hoare
  • Sir Richard Hoare

Biographies (on an Individual)
