The family name of Hore has been found in very early times, and in records in England, Wales, and Ireland, the earliest records generally affixed with "le Hore;" they have also been found with the words "de la Hore," but not frequently, and in a few instances as "de la Hora."
There are also various other forms in which the name had been spelt, as le Hore, de la Hora, de le Hore, de la Hore Stane, Hore, Hora, Hoor, Hoore, Horre, Horey, Horrie, Horam, Horem, Hoar, Whoare, Whore, Le Chenu, Canutus and Hoare.
You can probably guess there is a bit of a theme with twins in the family.
Parishes of Medieval Gloucestershire highlighting groups of Hore families 1200 to 1500.I started researching my family history about 20 years ago and it was just over a year ago I joined the H600 project and I'm so glad I did, it certainly renewed my interest in genealogy. Especially since having a yDNA test and finding I have relatives in America. I have accumulated a lot of information on the Hoare family which I will share. My own Hoare family started with Richard HOORE of Leckhampton born circa 1500, although there are records of my Hore family many years before that in the Cheltenham, Charlton Kings, Deerhurst, Norton, Down Hatherley, Tewkesbury and of course the City of Gloucester. These parishes are just to the north of the City of Gloucester.
We are currently trying to find the link between my Hoare family and John HORD of Shady Grove, Essex County, Virginia whose descendants I have a match with, also included in my yDNA match are the surnames MONROE, MUNDAY, CARVER, ELLISTON, COX, BOREN and HORD
Some early extracts of our HORE ancestors (Some of these important original documents concerning the Hore family were on display some years ago at the Glocester Record Office)
1327 Hugh le Hore paid 9d in tax at Charlton Kings (Source 1327 Tax Lists)
1327 John le Hore paid 3s 6d in tax at Charlon Kings (Source 1327 Tax Lists)
1327 Henry le Hore paid 6d in tax at Sandhurst (Source 1327 Tax Lists)
1327 John le Hore paid ? in tax at Leckhampton (Source 1327 Tax Lists)
1361 John Hore, Gift in fee simple John Hore 3 acres land in Newenton (Naunton). Given at Charlton Kings. (Source Gloucester RO, D1876/13
1367 John Hore, Grant and general conveyance of lands to John Hore in Charlton Kings (Source Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Transactions Volume 5)
1377 John Hore by Thomas Westlond essoins. (Source Cheltenham Manor Courts 1377-78 Gloucester Archives D7661 Box 4/28)
1377 John Hore of Charlton Kings plea of trespass against Philip Pisteleye (Source Cheltenham Manor Courts)
1377 John Hore against Philip Pisteleye countersuit (Source Cheltenham Courts held there 9th December Richard II)
1377 Robert Hore, John Davy to answer Robert Hore in plea of debt (Source Cheltenham Manor Court records)
1377/78 John Hore died seised of 1 messuage and 6 acres land, fell to the Lord as heriot 1 black ox worth 20shillings. (Source Cheltenham Court held there Tuesday next after the feast of Conversion of St Paul. Richard II 26 January 1377/78)
1378 John Hore, Essoins: John Snell by John Hore (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records)
1378 John Hore and Agnes his wife, Grant of lands to John Hore and Agnes his wife of Charlton Kings, lands in Brodecroft, le lye, Marebrok-forlong, le beche, hodecroft, and blakmorfeld. (Source Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Transactions Volume 5)
1378 Robert Hore 2d for licence to agree with John Davy in plea of trespass (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records)
1378 John Hore against Philip Pistelye's pledge in four pleas for trespass seeks licence to agree until the next essoin. (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records 5th March, Richard II 1377/78)
1378 John Hore, Philip Pisteleye plaintiff against John Hore in plea of trespass. John is given a day at next. (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records held at court on the Tuesday next after the feast of St Mark. Richard II 27 April 1377/78)
1378 John Hore, Thomas Norman 12d because he did not have Philip Pistelye as pledge to answer John Hore in 3 suits of trespass and same Philip is distrained (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records 6th May, Richard II 1378)
1378 Philip Pistelye is distrained by 1 bowl to answer John Hore in 3 suits of trespass (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records 26th May, Richard II 1378)
1378 John Hore plaintiff against Philip Pistelye in plea of trespass in three suits and said that on three days he cut down his thornbushes at Hennecroft to damage of 12d and that following this he cut down trees within a close of said Philip to damage of 12d. Same John to be judged six-handed and pledged by William Goneley. (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records held at court Tuesday after feast of St Margaret the Vigin 20 July Richard II 1378)
1380 Christian Hore son of Hugh le Hore free tenant of 1 tenement, 7 acres, rent of 3s 2d in Bafford Hide, Charlton Kings (Source Rental of Cheltenham Manor about 1450, Charlton Section)
1384/85 Robert Hore fined 12d as fine for excuse from court until next Michaelmas (Source Cheltenham Manor Courts 1384/85 Gloucestershire Archives D7661 Box 4/29)
1384/85 John Hore, Westhal Tithingman presents that John Hore 2d made encroachment at Swindonsgrove. (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records)
1384/85 Johanna Hore, Cherlton Tithingman presents that Johanna Hore 2d occupied the Lord's land at Holewewey, otherwise all well. (Source Cheltenham Court and View of Frankpledge held there 7th November Richard II 1384)
1384/85 Richard Hore, Cheltenham bailiff of borough presents following for brewing and breaking the assize (amongst others) Richard Hore 3d. (Source Cheltenham Manor Courts 1384/85, Court held there Monday next after feast of St Thomas the Apostle, Richard II, 26 Dec 1384)
1385 John Hore, William Wytfare for licence to agree with John Hore in plea of debt. (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records view of Frankpledge held 8th May, Richard II 1385)
1385 John Hore, John Goldsmyth plaintiff against Richard Payn and Robert Payn chaplain in plea of debt and trespass. Said Richard and Robert are distrained by 1 horse worth 10s, and freed on pledge of John Hore. Said Richard and Robert did not come so John Hore 4d their pledge is in mercy and he is to be better distrained (Source Cheltenham Court view of Frankpledge held 8th May, Richard II 1385)
1421 This is one of the earliest documents I have been allowed to see concerning one of our ancestors, Its title is Pension Rights, 1421 ref D1252 at the Gloucester Record Office, its written on what the staff describe as cow skin, it has been translated from the original Latin:-
This indendure made at Charlton Kings on the Tuesday next after the feast of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the 9th year of King Henry V since the Conquest (9 December 1421) between John Hore junior of Charlton Kings on the one part and Thomas Dowdeswelle of Codynhulle and Isabel his wife on the other part, witnesses that the said Thomas and Isabel or one of them living the longer shall find for the said John Hore for the duration of his life food and drink as good and nourishing as usual for their own bodies. And also shall pay for the said John at the solemn feasts his oblations which he the said John is bound to offer to Holy Church. Item the said Thomas and Isabel shall pay to the said John 4 and a half marks of legal English money. Item the said Thomas and Isabel shall mend or cause to be mendedthe boots and shoes of the said John when it shall be needful, at the expense of the said John. And the said Thomas shall make for the said John a pair of wheels, but the said John shall find all the tyres for making the wheels. Item the said Thomas and Isabel shall keep for the said John in the winter time two pigs. And the said Thomas and Isabel or one of them living the longer shall arrange for washing the clothes of the said John both for his back and for his bed during the said John's life. Item the said John shall have the chief room in the house called Walters at his pleasure, and shall also have his freedom in the hall of the said house for his own body as often as he shall please.
And if the said John survives the said Thomas and Isabel the said John shall occupy the aforesaid house and lands with all its appurtenances during his life, that is to say, the lands by the said John. And if it shall happen to the said John to occupy the said lands and house as aforesaid, then after the decease of the said John they shall revert entirely to the heirs and assigns of the said Thomas Dowdeswelle for ever. In witness whereof the parties aforesaid have severally placed their seals on these indentures. Given on the day and in the place and year aforesaid.
What information can we glean from this document, it describes John Hore junior and I know from other sources that Isabel Hore described as heiress was his only daughter so estimated birth for John jnr bef 1380, his father John senior estmated birth bef 1360. From other sources I know Thomas Dowdeswelle was a wheelright, John jnr was obviously quite wealthy as it mentions a house called Walters and lands, I have learnt from Leckhampton Local History Society that the house called Walters was fairly well documented and was quite substantial.
c1440 John Hore – A parcel of burbage formerly belonging to John Chaloner (Source: Free tenants of Cheltenham, Cheltenham Manorial survey c1440 GA D855/M68 Gloucester archives)
c1440 Robert Hore, Walter Brevell 1 tenement and 7 acres formerly belonging to Robert Hore, previously Christian Hore
(Source: Free tenants of Cheltenham Cheltenham Manorial survey c1440 GA D855/M68 Gloucester archives)
c1440 Christian Hore, Walter Brevell 1 tenement and 7 acres formerly belonging to Robert Hore, previously Christian Hore
(Source: Free tenants of Cheltenham Cheltenham manorial survey c1440 GA D855/M68 Gloucester archives)
1501 Thomas Hore, Bradwell tithingman there came with all his tithing and having been sworn presents the common fine to this day of 5s. Thomas Hore has not yet cleared a certain ditch at Aschebriglane which he had been ordered to do so fined 3s 4d. Walter Laverano ? who owes suit of court has made default so is amerced. (Source: Cheltenham Court and View of Frankpledge held there Monday next after Low Sunday in the year above 19th April 1501 Gloucester Archives D7661, Box 4/30 Cheltenham Manor Court Records)
1501 William Hore, Wm Hore is sworn assizer to the lord King in this tithing and all else is well Bafford. (Source: Cheltenham Court and View of Frankpledge held there Monday next after Low Sunday in the year above 19th April 1501
Gloucester Archives D7661, Box 4/30 Cheltenham Manor Court Record)
1492 -1547 William Whore, Thomas Pant and William Whore v Henry Knyght: land at Leckhampton, Gloucestershire, and divers wrongs and injuries. Standard surname: Hoare; Knight. (Source: The National Archives REQ 2/4/268)
1522 Walter Hore Leckhampton £3 (Source – Gloucester Military Survey 1522)
1522 Robert Hore Leckhampton £4 (Source – Gloucester Military Survey 1522)
1522 Richard Hoore Leckhampton £5 (Source – Gloucester Military Survey 1522)
1522 Thomas Hoore Leckhampton (Source - Gloucester Military Survey 1522)
1600 John Hoare, Essoins: John Hoare and many others named. (Source Cheltenham Courts View of Frankpledge held Friday 31 March 42 Elizabeth.1600. Gloucester Archives D855/M7)
1601 John Hoare, Essoins named with many others (Source Cheltenham Courts View of Frankpledge held Friday 6 April 43 Elizabeth.1601. Gloucester Archives D855/M7)
1608 John Hore (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records, Gloucestershire Archives D855/M8: entries from Dec 1607 to end 1608, View of Frankpledge and court baron of the manor of William Norwood farmer of the King held Friday 1 April 6 James 1608 befoer Henry Norwood esq chief steward)
1608 Thomas Hore View of Frankpledge held Monday 3 October ^ James 1608 before Henry Norwood chief steward (Source Gloucestershire Archives D855/M8)
1609 John Hore selected as one of twelve jurors for Cheltenham Manor Court (Source Gloucestershire Archives D855/M8)
1610 Thomas Hore Penalty for pledge: Thomas Hore and others (named) to offer oath of allegiance at next court, on pain of 12d for any one making default. (Source Gloucestershire Archives D855/M8)
1610 John Hoore and Thomas Hoore, Richard Howse tithingman for Bradwell comes; common fine 5s.; further presented that Francis Hawker, Henry Fluck, Richard Flucke, Richard Roffe, Robert Walton, Richard Ashefeild, Stephen Smart, Robert Rudgedall, John Sollars, John Hoore, Thomas Hoore, Walter Cherington, William Yate, Anthony Steward and Thomas Bassett are residents within the tithing, and this day make default; therefore each in mercy 2d. (Source:Gloucester Archives D855/M8 Cheltenham Manor Court Records)
1646 Thomas Hoare, B, f. 16 View of frankpledge with court baron for hundred and manor of Cheltenham, held 10 Apr. 1646 Jury for the King, Nicholas Ashmead, Thomas Ashmead sen., William Church, Thomas White, John Martyn, William Southerne, Thomas Greene, Edmund Ballenger, John Powell, Walter Clevely, Edmund Butwell, Thomas Hartlebury, Ralph Crumpe jun., William House, Thomas Payne,
Thomas Hoare, John Sturmey sworn. (Sources Glos. Archives D855/M11, TNA C116/143, D855/M33)
There are also various other forms in which the name had been spelt, as le Hore, de la Hora, de le Hore, de la Hore Stane, Hore, Hora, Hoor, Hoore, Horre, Horey, Horrie, Horam, Horem, Hoar, Whoare, Whore, Le Chenu, Canutus and Hoare.
sister born 1950 |
Hoare born 1920 |
Cyril Hoare born 1920 |
with her twin sister next to her |
Daniel Hoare born 1870 |
You can probably guess there is a bit of a theme with twins in the family.
Parishes of Medieval Gloucestershire highlighting groups of Hore families 1200 to 1500.
We are currently trying to find the link between my Hoare family and John HORD of Shady Grove, Essex County, Virginia whose descendants I have a match with, also included in my yDNA match are the surnames MONROE, MUNDAY, CARVER, ELLISTON, COX, BOREN and HORD
Some early extracts of our HORE ancestors (Some of these important original documents concerning the Hore family were on display some years ago at the Glocester Record Office)
1327 Hugh le Hore paid 9d in tax at Charlton Kings (Source 1327 Tax Lists)
1327 John le Hore paid 3s 6d in tax at Charlon Kings (Source 1327 Tax Lists)
1327 Henry le Hore paid 6d in tax at Sandhurst (Source 1327 Tax Lists)
1327 John le Hore paid ? in tax at Leckhampton (Source 1327 Tax Lists)
1361 John Hore, Gift in fee simple John Hore 3 acres land in Newenton (Naunton). Given at Charlton Kings. (Source Gloucester RO, D1876/13
1367 John Hore, Grant and general conveyance of lands to John Hore in Charlton Kings (Source Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Transactions Volume 5)
1377 John Hore by Thomas Westlond essoins. (Source Cheltenham Manor Courts 1377-78 Gloucester Archives D7661 Box 4/28)
1377 John Hore of Charlton Kings plea of trespass against Philip Pisteleye (Source Cheltenham Manor Courts)
1377 John Hore against Philip Pisteleye countersuit (Source Cheltenham Courts held there 9th December Richard II)
1377 Robert Hore, John Davy to answer Robert Hore in plea of debt (Source Cheltenham Manor Court records)
1377/78 John Hore died seised of 1 messuage and 6 acres land, fell to the Lord as heriot 1 black ox worth 20shillings. (Source Cheltenham Court held there Tuesday next after the feast of Conversion of St Paul. Richard II 26 January 1377/78)
1378 John Hore, Essoins: John Snell by John Hore (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records)
1378 John Hore and Agnes his wife, Grant of lands to John Hore and Agnes his wife of Charlton Kings, lands in Brodecroft, le lye, Marebrok-forlong, le beche, hodecroft, and blakmorfeld. (Source Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Transactions Volume 5)
1378 Robert Hore 2d for licence to agree with John Davy in plea of trespass (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records)
1378 John Hore against Philip Pistelye's pledge in four pleas for trespass seeks licence to agree until the next essoin. (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records 5th March, Richard II 1377/78)
1378 John Hore, Philip Pisteleye plaintiff against John Hore in plea of trespass. John is given a day at next. (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records held at court on the Tuesday next after the feast of St Mark. Richard II 27 April 1377/78)
1378 John Hore, Thomas Norman 12d because he did not have Philip Pistelye as pledge to answer John Hore in 3 suits of trespass and same Philip is distrained (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records 6th May, Richard II 1378)
1378 Philip Pistelye is distrained by 1 bowl to answer John Hore in 3 suits of trespass (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records 26th May, Richard II 1378)
1378 John Hore plaintiff against Philip Pistelye in plea of trespass in three suits and said that on three days he cut down his thornbushes at Hennecroft to damage of 12d and that following this he cut down trees within a close of said Philip to damage of 12d. Same John to be judged six-handed and pledged by William Goneley. (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records held at court Tuesday after feast of St Margaret the Vigin 20 July Richard II 1378)
1380 Christian Hore son of Hugh le Hore free tenant of 1 tenement, 7 acres, rent of 3s 2d in Bafford Hide, Charlton Kings (Source Rental of Cheltenham Manor about 1450, Charlton Section)
1384/85 Robert Hore fined 12d as fine for excuse from court until next Michaelmas (Source Cheltenham Manor Courts 1384/85 Gloucestershire Archives D7661 Box 4/29)
1384/85 John Hore, Westhal Tithingman presents that John Hore 2d made encroachment at Swindonsgrove. (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records)
1384/85 Johanna Hore, Cherlton Tithingman presents that Johanna Hore 2d occupied the Lord's land at Holewewey, otherwise all well. (Source Cheltenham Court and View of Frankpledge held there 7th November Richard II 1384)
1384/85 Richard Hore, Cheltenham bailiff of borough presents following for brewing and breaking the assize (amongst others) Richard Hore 3d. (Source Cheltenham Manor Courts 1384/85, Court held there Monday next after feast of St Thomas the Apostle, Richard II, 26 Dec 1384)
1385 John Hore, William Wytfare for licence to agree with John Hore in plea of debt. (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records view of Frankpledge held 8th May, Richard II 1385)
1385 John Hore, John Goldsmyth plaintiff against Richard Payn and Robert Payn chaplain in plea of debt and trespass. Said Richard and Robert are distrained by 1 horse worth 10s, and freed on pledge of John Hore. Said Richard and Robert did not come so John Hore 4d their pledge is in mercy and he is to be better distrained (Source Cheltenham Court view of Frankpledge held 8th May, Richard II 1385)
1421 This is one of the earliest documents I have been allowed to see concerning one of our ancestors, Its title is Pension Rights, 1421 ref D1252 at the Gloucester Record Office, its written on what the staff describe as cow skin, it has been translated from the original Latin:-
This indendure made at Charlton Kings on the Tuesday next after the feast of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the 9th year of King Henry V since the Conquest (9 December 1421) between John Hore junior of Charlton Kings on the one part and Thomas Dowdeswelle of Codynhulle and Isabel his wife on the other part, witnesses that the said Thomas and Isabel or one of them living the longer shall find for the said John Hore for the duration of his life food and drink as good and nourishing as usual for their own bodies. And also shall pay for the said John at the solemn feasts his oblations which he the said John is bound to offer to Holy Church. Item the said Thomas and Isabel shall pay to the said John 4 and a half marks of legal English money. Item the said Thomas and Isabel shall mend or cause to be mendedthe boots and shoes of the said John when it shall be needful, at the expense of the said John. And the said Thomas shall make for the said John a pair of wheels, but the said John shall find all the tyres for making the wheels. Item the said Thomas and Isabel shall keep for the said John in the winter time two pigs. And the said Thomas and Isabel or one of them living the longer shall arrange for washing the clothes of the said John both for his back and for his bed during the said John's life. Item the said John shall have the chief room in the house called Walters at his pleasure, and shall also have his freedom in the hall of the said house for his own body as often as he shall please.
And if the said John survives the said Thomas and Isabel the said John shall occupy the aforesaid house and lands with all its appurtenances during his life, that is to say, the lands by the said John. And if it shall happen to the said John to occupy the said lands and house as aforesaid, then after the decease of the said John they shall revert entirely to the heirs and assigns of the said Thomas Dowdeswelle for ever. In witness whereof the parties aforesaid have severally placed their seals on these indentures. Given on the day and in the place and year aforesaid.
What information can we glean from this document, it describes John Hore junior and I know from other sources that Isabel Hore described as heiress was his only daughter so estimated birth for John jnr bef 1380, his father John senior estmated birth bef 1360. From other sources I know Thomas Dowdeswelle was a wheelright, John jnr was obviously quite wealthy as it mentions a house called Walters and lands, I have learnt from Leckhampton Local History Society that the house called Walters was fairly well documented and was quite substantial.
c1440 John Hore – A parcel of burbage formerly belonging to John Chaloner (Source: Free tenants of Cheltenham, Cheltenham Manorial survey c1440 GA D855/M68 Gloucester archives)
c1440 Robert Hore, Walter Brevell 1 tenement and 7 acres formerly belonging to Robert Hore, previously Christian Hore
(Source: Free tenants of Cheltenham Cheltenham Manorial survey c1440 GA D855/M68 Gloucester archives)
c1440 Christian Hore, Walter Brevell 1 tenement and 7 acres formerly belonging to Robert Hore, previously Christian Hore
(Source: Free tenants of Cheltenham Cheltenham manorial survey c1440 GA D855/M68 Gloucester archives)
1501 Thomas Hore, Bradwell tithingman there came with all his tithing and having been sworn presents the common fine to this day of 5s. Thomas Hore has not yet cleared a certain ditch at Aschebriglane which he had been ordered to do so fined 3s 4d. Walter Laverano ? who owes suit of court has made default so is amerced. (Source: Cheltenham Court and View of Frankpledge held there Monday next after Low Sunday in the year above 19th April 1501 Gloucester Archives D7661, Box 4/30 Cheltenham Manor Court Records)
1501 William Hore, Wm Hore is sworn assizer to the lord King in this tithing and all else is well Bafford. (Source: Cheltenham Court and View of Frankpledge held there Monday next after Low Sunday in the year above 19th April 1501
Gloucester Archives D7661, Box 4/30 Cheltenham Manor Court Record)
1492 -1547 William Whore, Thomas Pant and William Whore v Henry Knyght: land at Leckhampton, Gloucestershire, and divers wrongs and injuries. Standard surname: Hoare; Knight. (Source: The National Archives REQ 2/4/268)
1522 Walter Hore Leckhampton £3 (Source – Gloucester Military Survey 1522)
1522 Robert Hore Leckhampton £4 (Source – Gloucester Military Survey 1522)
1522 Richard Hoore Leckhampton £5 (Source – Gloucester Military Survey 1522)
1522 Thomas Hoore Leckhampton (Source - Gloucester Military Survey 1522)
1600 John Hoare, Essoins: John Hoare and many others named. (Source Cheltenham Courts View of Frankpledge held Friday 31 March 42 Elizabeth.1600. Gloucester Archives D855/M7)
1601 John Hoare, Essoins named with many others (Source Cheltenham Courts View of Frankpledge held Friday 6 April 43 Elizabeth.1601. Gloucester Archives D855/M7)
1608 John Hore (Source Cheltenham Manor Court Records, Gloucestershire Archives D855/M8: entries from Dec 1607 to end 1608, View of Frankpledge and court baron of the manor of William Norwood farmer of the King held Friday 1 April 6 James 1608 befoer Henry Norwood esq chief steward)
1608 Thomas Hore View of Frankpledge held Monday 3 October ^ James 1608 before Henry Norwood chief steward (Source Gloucestershire Archives D855/M8)
1609 John Hore selected as one of twelve jurors for Cheltenham Manor Court (Source Gloucestershire Archives D855/M8)
1610 Thomas Hore Penalty for pledge: Thomas Hore and others (named) to offer oath of allegiance at next court, on pain of 12d for any one making default. (Source Gloucestershire Archives D855/M8)
1610 John Hoore and Thomas Hoore, Richard Howse tithingman for Bradwell comes; common fine 5s.; further presented that Francis Hawker, Henry Fluck, Richard Flucke, Richard Roffe, Robert Walton, Richard Ashefeild, Stephen Smart, Robert Rudgedall, John Sollars, John Hoore, Thomas Hoore, Walter Cherington, William Yate, Anthony Steward and Thomas Bassett are residents within the tithing, and this day make default; therefore each in mercy 2d. (Source:Gloucester Archives D855/M8 Cheltenham Manor Court Records)
1646 Thomas Hoare, B, f. 16 View of frankpledge with court baron for hundred and manor of Cheltenham, held 10 Apr. 1646 Jury for the King, Nicholas Ashmead, Thomas Ashmead sen., William Church, Thomas White, John Martyn, William Southerne, Thomas Greene, Edmund Ballenger, John Powell, Walter Clevely, Edmund Butwell, Thomas Hartlebury, Ralph Crumpe jun., William House, Thomas Payne,
Thomas Hoare, John Sturmey sworn. (Sources Glos. Archives D855/M11, TNA C116/143, D855/M33)