Many of these Gloucester wills were photocopied from the original wills kept in the Gloucester Archives vaults and translated by a specialist, many thanks to the staff at Gloucester Archives who gave me permission to reproduce them.
Charles Hoare, 1632, City of Gloucester
In the name of God, Amen, the Nyne and Twentith day of May Anno domini 1632,
I, Charles Hoare th'elder, of the Citty of Gloucester, sadler, beinge weake and sicklie in body, but of good and perfect memorie (thanks be geven to God for the same) doe make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge.
First and principallie I give and bequeath my soule unto almightie God my Creator and maker, and unto Jesus christ his only sonne and my alone saviour and redeemer, hopinge and trustinge through his meritts and bitter passion (in full assurance) to enioy and inherit the kingdome of heaven, there to raigne with him everlastingly.
And as for my bodye (beinge but dust and ashes) I bequeath to the earth from whence it came, to be buried at the discretion of my executor of this my will, hoping for A ioyfull resurrection both of my sowle and body at the last and generall day.
And as concerning my worldly goods and substance wherewith God hath bestowed uppon me and blessed me with, I give and dispose in manner and form followinge.
First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Margery the use and quiet possession of the howse and ymplements wherein I now dwell,
To have and to hold to her, for her my said wife and my sonne Thomas Hoare, therein to dwell, use and occupy during her naturall life, they payinge the rent due to the Citty of Gloucester, and keeping the said howse in all needfull and necessary reparacions, as by the lease thereof I am enioyned,
And after her deceasse, my will is that my sonne Charles Hoare shall have all my right and interest unto the said howse and lease thereof graunted unto me from the said citty, and that he shall renew the said lease in his owne name,
And alsoe my will is that the plumpe, the noast, the testernes, the glass windowes, wainscot and benches, with the tables board in the hawle and the levery cupboard and other cupboards lastinge to the howse, to remayne to him, the said Charles, his heires and assignes, with the said howse at the deceasse of my said wife,
Provided that my sonne Charles or his assignes doe pay or cause to be paid unto my sonne Thomas Hoare or his assignes the somme of tenne pounds of lawfull English Mony within the space of fowreteene dayes after he is possessed of the howse and ymplements,
And if he, the said Charles, or his assignes, shall refuse to pay the same as aforesayd, being lawfull demanded,
Then my will is that my sonne Thomas shall have the said howse, ymplements and lease.
Item I give to my said sonne Thomas fyve silver spones and one silver bowle.
Item I give unto my sonne Charles my silver salt and fyve silver spones,
Which said plate soe to my said twoe sonnes geven, my will is the same shalbe in the use and possession of my said wife during her life, and after her deceasse to remayne unto them.
Item I give to Thomas Hore, Margery Hore and John Hore, children of my sonne Charles Hoare, Fyve poundes betwene them three.
Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Thomas the lease of my stable and garden in Travell Lane which I hold of the Dean and Chapter,
To have and to hold unto him for and duringe the residue of such terme in the same lease as shalbe to come at my decease.
Item I give unto Charles Hoare and Johan Hoare, the children of my sonne Thomas Hoare, the some of fyve pounds betweene them.
Item I give unto Charles Tarne A saddle, furnished.
Item I doe hereby appointe my lovinge sonne Charles Hoare to be my Executor of this my last will and Testament, in trust, and not to make any benifit of the executorshipp to his owne use, and for the better providinge and mainetenance of my saide wife during her natural life.
My will is and I doe appointe (that my debtes if any be and funerall charges being paid and discharged by my Executor out of my estate yet unbequeathed) that all the rest of my goodes, Chattelles, Cattle, houshold stuffe and ymplementes of houshold whatsoever yet unbequeathed shalbe ymploied by the appointment of my Executor to the use, benifitt and behoofe of my wife and my sonne Thomas Hoare, his heires and Assignes, and the benifitt thereof to be yerely equally devided betweene them, and soe to remaine at the disposinge of my Executor, with th'advise of my Overseers, during the life of my said wife.
And after her deceasse, my will is that the sayd estate of my goodes and Chattells shalbe by my saide Executor conferred uppon my sonne Thomas Hoare, his heires and Assignes (the funerall charge of my wife being discharged first out of it) within one moneth after her deceasse,
And that my will may be the better performed, my will and desire is that my said Executor shall within sixe weekes after my deceasse enter into one bond of Twoe hundred poundes to the Overseers of this my will, that this my will shalbe performed by him in all pointes,
And if he refuse to enter into such bond, then my will is and I doe appointe my sayd sonne Thomas Hoare to be Executor of this my will.
And I doe desire my sonnes in law Mr Thomas Hill and Mr Leonard Tarne to be Overseers of this my will, and I give to each of them for their pains to see my will performed A saddle A peece, furnished fitt for their use.
And in witnes hereof I have hereunto putt my hand and Seale in the presence of thes being witnesses.
The marke
of Charles Hoare
The marke of James Tiler and
John Hollandes
Probatum fuit hoc Testamentum apud Gloucester secundo ... ... die mensis Aprilis anno domini 1636 coram ... officiali ... Baber legum doctore etc
Commissaque fuit Administratio etc Executori etc debite prius iurato etc
[This will was proved at Gloucester on the second ... ... day of the month of April in the year of our Lord 1636 before ... official ... Baber, doctor of laws etc,
And administration etc was committed to the executor etc, he being first duly sworn etc.]
Charles Hoare, 1638, City of Gloucester
In the name of God Almightie Creator of all thinges and in Jesus Christ his deare and only son my most bountifull loveing Saviour and in the blessed spiritt my comforter Amen.
I Charles Hoare of the cittie of Gloucester being weake in body but perfect in memory blessed be my good god therefore, Doe hereby declare that my last will and testament as followeth ffirst I bequeath my soule into the handes of God that created it and my deare Saviour that soe dearlie ransom'd it with full confidence thorough his merrittes that after the end of his life it shall rest with him everlastingly.
And my bodie to the earthe from whence it came with full assurance that at the last daie when my Saviour shall appeare in glory it shalbe by his power raised upp to the resurrection of the just.
And for the estate it hath pleased god to lend unto me of the thinges of this world I thus dispose ffirst that with as much convenient speede as may well be all my rentes and debtes sett downe under my hand and all other if any be and can appeare to be due shalbe paid.
Item I give to my brother Thomas Hoare twentie poundes, to my sister Elinor Bailies fortie shillinges, to my brother William Hincksman and Walter Hincksman and Edward Hincksman and my sister ffounes twentye shillinges a peece in gould, also I give to my brother Thomas Hincksman five poundes and to my servant John Sponar at presberie five markes and to hie wife five nobles and to Thomas Prichard my servant fortie shillinges and to Thomas Ade my servant tenn shillinges,
Alsoe I give to Mr. Thomas Vell and to Alderman Hill and Mr. Leonard Tarne my brother lawes and my brother too new rings for my sake, and to good Mr. Workman our faithfull watchman forty shillings.
Alsoe I give unto my welbeloved wife Joane Hoare ye some of three hundred and fiftie poundes and to my sonne John Hoare twoe hundred poundes and to my son Daniell Hoare one hundred and fiftie poundes and to my daughter Joane Hoare a hundred poundes and to my son Leonard Hoare one hundred poundes and my will is that my wife shall have the furniture of houshold that I have in all places at her disposing during her life and after to come indiferentlie amongst my children except the goodes at Thornebery which was delivered me by the sheriffe by vertue of an elegit, all which i give unto my daughter Margerie Mathewe presentie after my decease.
Alsoe I give unto my sonn Thomas Hoare twentie poundes.
Alsoe I give to the said Margery my daughter and her sonne Charles Mathewe twoe hundred poundes and my will is that soe longe as this twoe hundred poundes remanies in the stocke which I shall leave (which shalbe till my executors and overseers shall allowe thereof for her good to lett him have it.) there shalbe unto her and her sonne sixteene poundes a yeare quarterly paid and my will and desire is that the stocke I shall leave unto my wife and the foure first named children with the twoe hundred poundes given my daughter shalbe used and imployed uppon the three bargaines I have taken at Encombe, Presbery and Slimbridge and my wife and the foure children to have their maintenance out of it, and my will is that my sonne Leonard shalbe carefullie kept at Schoole and whem hee is fitt for itt to be carefullie placed at Oxford, and if ye Lord shall see fitt, to make him a Minister unto his people and that all ye charge thereof shalbe discharged out of the proffitt which it shall please god to send out of the stocke and that all the rest of my estate unbequeathed all debtes and expence being discharged shalbe equallie devided betweene my wife and my twoe sonnes Daniell and John, and Joane, and the profittes of the said stocke to accrewe unto them alsoe untill my executors and my overseers shall agree for their good to lett any of them have their porcons for their preferment.
Only this excepted that my sonne Leonard shall have accrue and dewe unto him out of this estate six poundes a yeare to bee paid unto him by the foresaid hundred poundes when my executors and overseers shall allowe of it to be for his preferment and if anie of my children shall die before they come to make use of their porcons my will is that porcons soe falling out shalbe equallie devided amongst my five children nowe with me and my sonne Thomas aforesaid and if it shall soe happen that the stocke bequeathed be not founde fitt to be imployed as I have directed but I trust ye Lord will soe blesse that happie trade of life unto them that some of them will never give over but if soe should be then my will is that my executors pay in ye porcons unto them if they bee att age or els to paie it in or good securitie to my overseers and my will is that as I have agreed with Mr. Thoms Vell and promised there shall alwaies be really upon the groundes at Encombe which I have taken of him for Eight yeares eight hundred of the best ewes to stand for his securitie untill all rentes and dewes whatsoever shalbe really paid unto him, and now deare saviour spreade thy armes of mercie over me purge away my synnes though they are many and greate and my faith weake lett thy power be seene in my weaknes and thy strength in my manifould infirmities keepe me from that evill one and Receive me to thy mercy to whom with god the father and the holie spiritt be all glorie and power and thankes giveinge both nowe and for evermore Amen this 25th day of September 1638.
By me Cha: Hoare: ffurther I give unto my sonne John Hoare fortie poundes more which shall accrewe unto him when all the other are satisfied out of the estate.
Admon granted 21 Dec. 1638 - to Joane Hoare the relict
Richard Whoare, 1638, City of Gloucester
T(estamentu)m Richardi Hoare
(Will of Richard Hoare)
In the Name off God, Amen, the Fowerth day of August in the sixteenth yeare of the Raigne of our soveraigne Lorde James, by the grace of God, of Englande, Scotlande, Fraunce and Irelande, Kinge, defendor of the Fayth etc,
And of Scotlande the one and Fiftieth,
In the yeare of our Lorde God one Thowsand six hundred and Eighteene,
I, Richard Whoare, of the parrish of Saincte John the Baptist within the Citie of Gloucester, gentleman, beinge sicke in in Bodye but whole and of good and perfect in minde and memory, thanckes be geven to God for the same, doth make my last will and Testament in manner and forme folowinge:
First I bequeath my sowle into the Handes of the Lorde my God my spirite which hee of his Fatherly goodnes goodnes gave unto me: nothinge doughtinge but this; my Lorde my God of his great mercie will place it in the Company of his blessed Aungells and sainctes:
And as for my Body, with free good will I geve it over, Comendinge it to the Earth from whence it came,
And to bee Buried in the parrish Church of Saincte John the Baptist aforesaid.
In Primis I geve and bequeath unto my sonne Richard Whoare to howses sett lyinge within the Towne of Teuxburie, one of them in the tenure and Occupation of John Sipriance, the second in the tenure and Occupation of Margerie Banthropp or her Assignes.
I geve unto my sonne Richard Whore the howse, with the appurtenaunces, with all Landes, Medowes, Leasues, Pastures and Erable Landes, which was of Late in tenure or Occupation of Richard Pyrry of Sandhurst, to be delivered unto him at the Age of Twenttie fower years.
Item I geve and bequeath unto John Whoare my sonne the howse and Tenement, with The appurtenaunces, with all the Landes, Medowes, Leasues, Pastures, Erable Landes, appertaininge unto the same lyvinge, which is now in the tenure or occupation of Walter Hayward in the parrish of Sandhurst, with two Akers of Medow, sett, lyinge and being in Kinges Meade within the parrish of Sandhurste, to be delivered unto him at the Age of Twenttie and Fower yeares.
Item I geve unto him one Tenement nowe in the tenure and Occupation of Elizabeth Robbinsonne, widdow, with one stable and garden lying and beinge Travaile Lane in the parrish of Criste.
I geve unto John Whoare two howses or Tenementes lyinge and beinge in the parrish of Saincte Aldattes, nowe in the tenure and occupation of Anne Clementes and Mary Farre.
Item I geve and bequeath unto Alexander Whore my sonne the howse or Tenement sett, lyinge and beinge in Hearelane within the parrish of Sainnte John the Baptist, now in the tenure and Occupation of Mr Thomas Morse.
Item I geve unto him the howse or Tenement now in the tenure and Occupation of William Carpener in the parrish of Saincte John the Baptist, with to gardens in Hearelane, And fower other Tenementes and one stable and garden,
One of them in the Occupation of Mr Nathaniell Byshoppe in the parrish of Saincte Michals, and one other Tenement in the Occupation of John Screven in the parrish of All sainctes, one other Tenement in the tenure or Occupation of Thomas Ivorie in the parish aforesaid, one other Tenement in the tenure and Occupation of Lawrence Carpenter in the parrish of Criste, one other stable and garden nowe in the Occupation of Josias Woolley in the parish of Criste.
Item I geve unto my sonne Alexander Whore one Tenement, with th'appurtenaunces, in the parishe of Criste, now in the Occupation of Richard Harris of Woottons.
My will is that the Five Tenementes above bequeathed shalbe delivered to him at the age of twentie and fower yeares, yf hee soe longe shall live.
Item I give unto my daughter Martha Whoare one Hundred poundes of lawfull Money of England, to bee delivered unto her at the age of Twenttie and one yeares.
Item my will is that if it shall please God that any of my Children doe decease before they shalbee of the age of twenty and fower yeares, that then their parte deceased shall remaine unto the survivor or survivors, if they or any of them so long to leave ?do live, to bee equally devided among them by equall portions according to the discretion of my Overseers.
Item my will is that Anne Whoare my wife shall pay or cause to be paied unto my sister Joane Whoare eight shillinges of lawfull money of England annually from yeare to yeare dureinge her in error for %22the%22? naturall liefe of the said Joan.
Item I give unto my sister Joane Whoare Fortie shillinges of lawfull money of England, to bee paied unto her in manner and forme following, viz't, 10s to bee paied unto her within one yeare after the time of my decease, and so from yeare to yeare untill the some of 40s bee fully paied, if shee so long live.
All the residue of my goodes, Cattles, tenementes, Landes and livinges, moveable and unmoveable, my debtes, Legacies and funeralls thereof being paied and discharged, I doe give and bequeath unto Anne Whoare my welbeloved wiefe, whom of this my last will and testament I doe make my whole executrix.
Overseers of this my will I doe ordaine and appoint Thomas Poultene and Walter Hawling, to see my will performed according to my true meaneing, as my trust is in them.
I give them for their paines 20s a piece.
Item I give unto the poore of the parishe of St John the Baptist 20s.
Item I give unto Robert Carlion alias Provis the gound ?gown that was given mee at Mr Soames funerall.
Memorandum: And further my will is I give to Anne my wiefe, executrix aforesaid, my halfe Burgage Messuage or Tenement house and garden which I bought, wherein Wm. Watkins dwell, to sell towardes the payment of my debtes.
Witnesses to this my last will and testament; per me Robertum Garlion alias Provis ie written out by me, Robert Garlion alias Provis, Walter Shawlinges, Richard Whoare.
William Hoare, 1640, City of Gloucester
(in the name of God Amen, the ... day of) February ... ,
(I, William Hoare,) of the p(ar)ish ... these present ... sound & p(er)fect memory ... make my last will & (testament in manner and form) following.
First I (bequeath my soul to) my blessed saviour Jesus ... (and my body) to the earth ...
(And as concerning my temporal) estate, I bequeath (and dispose thereof as follows.)
First I give unto the poore (of the parish of) ... shillings.
Item I give (unto) ... my pott, posnett, & unto her sister (my) pewter platters.
Item I give & bequeath (the term) of the Lease of my house, which I hold (of the) Deane & Chapter of Glouc(este)r, unto ... Barrett & Hester Bennett.
All the (rest) of my goodes whatsoever, my debtes paid (and my) funeralls discharged, (my best Cloake & clothes excepted, which I give unto Thomas Barber), (I give) & bequeath unto Thomas Barrett, He(ster) Bennett & Elizabeth Barber, widow, to be equally devided betweene them,
And I ma(ke) the said Thomas Barrett my Execu(tor).
In wittnes whereof I have hereunto p(ut) my hand & seale the day & yeare above written
the marke of
William Hoare
Sealed, subscribed & acknowledged in the presence of
Thom. Hewson
the marke of John Carpenter.
(Probatum fuit) huiusmodi T(estamentu)m apud ... nono die mensis ... anno d(omi)ni 1640
Coram ... Baber legum (doctorem et per eun)dem approbat(um et insinuatum)
(Com)missaq(ue) fuit etc (administratio omni)u(m) et singulorum etc ... ... ... Jurat(o) etc, salvo Jure (cuiuscumque) etc
(This will was proved at ... on the ninth day of the month of ... in the year of our Lord 1640
Before ... Baber, doctor of laws, and by him approved and favoured,
And administration of all and singular etc (was granted to ... ... ...), he/she being sworn etc, saving all right whatsoever etc.)
Richard Hoore, 1545, Parish of Leckhampton, Gloucester
In the name of (God), Amen.
In the 37th yere of the Rayne of owr most Soverayn(e) Lord Kyng Henry the VIIIth, the 23rd day of September,
I, Rychard Hoore, of the p(ar)yshe of Lekyngton, In the cow(n)t(y) of Glo(u)c(ester), husbandman, Syke In body but thankes be unto almyghty God of good and p(er)feytte memory, doo make my testame(n)t and last wyll In man(ner) and forme folowyng.
Fyrst I bequeth my sowle to the grett mercy of Almyghty God, unto to owr Lady Saynt Mary, and all the holy cu(m)pany of hevyn.
My body to be buryyd In the cherch yerd of Lekyngton.
Secondaryly I do make Elyn Hoore my wyfe my sole executryxe, that ys to have the corne and all the hole croppe, to pay owr dettes, the lordes rent, and all other deutes duties, as reparatyons, and that done, to leve them unto owr chyldrene as she shall thynke best to the laude and prayse of Almyghty God and for the welth of owr sowlles.
Thes beryng wytnesse, Will(ia)m Tantey, Jhon Tawney, wyth other moo.
Thes are the dettes th(a)t I, Rychard Hoore, do ow.
In primis to Will(ia)m Fynch 13s 4d } S(u)m(m)a (Sum) 17s 3d
It(em) to Jhon Fynche the sonne 3s 11d }
Probate of Will of Richard Hoore, 1545
T(estamentum) Ric(ard)i Hoore de Leckhampton G(loucestriensis) d(iocese) p(ro)bat(um) fuit Ap(ud) Tewkesbury die sabb(a)ti vi(delicet) xo Octobris an(n)o d(omi)ni 1545
Elene rel(i)c(t)e Ex(ecutri)ci
(The Will of Richard Hore of Leckhampton in the diocese of Gloucester was proved at Tewkesbury on Saturday, that is to say,the 10th October in the year of our Lord 1545.
To Ellen, the relict, the Executrix.)
Robert Hoore, 1545, Parish of Leckhampton, Gloucester
T(estamentum) Roberti Hoore
(Will of Robert Hoore)
In dei nomine Amen.
In the yere of owr Lorde God a thowsand fyve hundreth fortey and (blank), the 8th day of September,
I, Robert Hoore, husbandman, In the cow(n)t(y) of Glo(u)c(ester) and the same dyoc(ese), dwellyng In the p(ar)yshe of Lekyngton, syke In body but thankes be unto God of goode and p(er)feytte mynde and memory, do make and ordeyne my last wyll and testame(n)t In forme and man(ner) folowyng.
Fyrst I bequeath my sowle to the grett m(er)cy of allmyghty God, and to owr blessyd Lady Saynt Mary, and all the holy cu(m)pany of hevyn.
My body to be buryyd in the chyrche yerde of Lekyngton.
It(em) I do gyve unto the mayntayning of the lyght before the Roode 12d.
It(em) I do gyve unto Roger Hoore my soone all my wayryng gear.
It(em) unto Jane Hoore, the dogghter of the sayd Roger, 2 platters, a pottyngere (porridge bowl), 2 saucers and a basyn.
It(em) I do gyve unto Edward Hoore my soone's son, for hys s(er)vyce that he hathe done unto me, a bolloke of 2 yere olde and better.
It(em) I bequeth unto Elsab(eth) Bubb(e) my best panne, a pyllow beare (pillow case), a meat clothe, a towell, a bolloke.
It(em) I do gyve unto Mergery my wyfe 2 keane (kine, cows), all my howshold stuffe, that ys to say beddyng, brasse and peuter (pewter).
It(em) the resydeu of my goodes, my legacys and dettes payd, I do geve unto Roger Hoore my sone, bothe moveable and unmoveable, as the croppe, cattell, corne and hay, Iron and tymber, whom(e) I do make my sole executor to see this my testament and last wyll p(er)formyd and fulfyllyd, and Jhon Bubbe of Wykha(m) to be ov(er)seer.
In wytnesse of the same I have desyeryd Will(ia)m Weylle, w(i)t(h) other moo (more) to beare recorde the day and yere abovesayd.
Thes are the dettes w(hi)ch I do ow. In p(ri)mis (First) to the lorde for his rente 19s 7d
It(em) unto Jane Hoore 11s 4d
It(em) unto Jhon Bubbe 10s
It(em) unto Jhon Fynch 2s 2d
It(em) unto Rychard P(o)mfrett 20d
It(em) unto the Kynges lave day (love day, date for settling legal action by agreement) 10d
S(u)m(m)a tot(a)lis (Sum total) £10 5s 7d (should be £2 5s 7d)
Probate of Will of Robert Hoore, 1545
T(estamentum) Rob(er)ti Hore de Lekington probat(um) fuit apud Tewkesbury p(er) m(agist)r(u)m Comm(i)ss(arium) die sabb(a)ti vi(delicet) xo Octobris an(n)o d(omi)ni 1545
(The Will of Robert Hore of Lekington was proved at Tewkesbury by the Master Commissary on Saturday, that is to say, the 10th October in the year of our Lord 1545.)
Roger Hoore, 1581, Parish of Leckhampton, Gloucester
In dei no(m)i(n)e Amen (in the name of God, Amen), the 12th daie of October in the yeare of o(u)r Lorde God 1581,
I, Roger Hoore, of the Parishe of Leackhampton, in the countie of Glouc(ester), husbanma(n), beinge of whole minde and in good and p(er)fecte Remembrance, Laude and praise be geaven to almightie God, do make this my p(re)sent Testament, concerninge hearin my Laste wille, in man(ner) and Forme followinge, That is to saye,
Firste I com(m)ende my Soule into the handes of almightie God, trustinge throughe the merittes of Christe Jesus my Savioure and redeamer to have the Fruition of his ever- lastinge kingdome, and my Bodie I wille to be buried in the Parishe churche yarde of Leakhampton aforesaied.
Item I geve and bequethe unto the reperac(i)ons of the saied Parishe churche 3s 4d.
Item I geve and bequethe unto Elner Hoore my daughter a towell, a latten (alloy similar to brass) Basen, a ewer w(i)th too peaces of pewter, and my beste candelsticke, my beste panne, and my seconde Potte, with 4 b(ushels) of wheate and 2 b(ushels) of Barley, to be payed unto her at the ende and tearme of 2 yeares, (that is to saye), halfe on(e) yeare and half annother, untille all be paied.
Item I geve unto the saied Eln(er) my coffer and a Bearinge sheete.
Item I geve and bequethe unto Edwarde Hoore my Eldeste sonne a yearlinge heyfare (heifer) to be bredd to the age of 2 yeares.
Item I geve and bequethe unto Jone Hoore, a daughter of my sonne Harrie Hoore, a cowe calfe, to be bredde to the age of 3 yeares (by her saide Father) and then to be delyv(er)ed.
Item I geve and Bequethe unto reste of my Sonnes Harries children, to everie on(e) a sheepe.
Item I geve and Bequethe unto William Borsleye on(e) sheepe.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Roger Borsleye his Brother one sheepe.
Item I geve and bequethe unto Roger Dugles on(e) sheepe.
Item I geve and bequethe unto the saied Harrie Hoore my sonne all the residue of my goodes, moveabell and unmoveabell, not bequethed, whom I make my whole Executor, payinge my dettes and Funerall exspences.
Also I do ordeyne and appoynte Edwarde Hoore my sonne, and William Smithe, to be my overseers, to th'end that this my Wille and Testament maye be p(er)fourmed accordinglie.
In witnes whearof are these p(er)sons followinge.
Raffe Hines, person (parson)
Jhon (?)Holte
William Smithe
w(i)t(h) others
Probate of Will of Roger Hoore, 1582
T(estamentum) Rogeri Hoore de Leckhampton p(ro)bat(um) cora(m) Joh(ann)e Warde cl(er)ico surrogat(o) Will(ielm)i Blackleech in legib(us) bacc(alaurii) etc commissarii etc xviijo die Septembris 1582
Et commissa est ad(ministrati)o execut(ori) in eode(m) no(m)i(n)at(o) debite prius iurat(o) 1582
(The will of Roger Hoore of Leckhampton, proved before John Warde, Clerk, Surrogate of William Blackleech, Bachelor of Law etc, commissary etc, on the 18th day of September 1582,
And administration was committed to the executor named in the same, he being first duly sworn, 1582.)
John Hoare, 1643, Parish of Leckhampton, Gloucester
Testament(um) Johannis Hoare
(Will of John Hoare)
In the name of God, Amen.
I, John Hoare of Leckington (in the) County of Glouc(ester), husbandman, This p(re)sent 27th day of (?)June in the yeare of o(u)r Lord God 1643, being weake in body, but of good and perfect memory (thankes be to God for it) do make this my last will and testament, That is to say,
In primis I bequeath my soule to God my redeemer, (and) my body to the earth (whereof it is made) to be buried in Leckington, (hoping) through the merites of Jesus Christ my saviour to obteine et(er)nall life.
(Item I) do make and appoint Joan my wife the sole executrix of this my will (and testament).
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Margaret Hoare (the sum of) twenty poundes in money, whereof my will is that ten poundes (be) payde her on the day of her marriage, if at any time during her mother's life she happen to marrie,
Or so soone as she shall cease to live w(i)th and be maintained by her mother, if at any time her mother shall refuse (to have) her with her and to maintaine her,
And the other ten poundes to be payde her at the decease of her mother,
Or if she shall not before marrie, nor (happen) to be payde the first ten poundes, that the whole twenty poundes be payd her immediatly after the decease of her mother.
Item I give and bequeath unto my s(ai)d daughter Margaret in householde goodes two beddes, being one tuke and one canvase tuke, w(i)th the furniture and ymplim(en)tes belonging to them,
Allso one halfe-hedd-bedstead And my great pott and my great brewing tubb, And one table boord w(i)th a frame, And one wyned cupboard, And two coffers, the one standing in my bedchamber, the other a bucking coffer, And two trundle beds,
All w(hi)ch goodes my will is shall come to her after the decease of her mother, and that her mother shall holde and have the use of them all her liffe time, unles she shall willingly imp(ar)te them or any p(ar)te of the(m) to her sooner.
Item I give and bequeath unto my nephewe John, the sonne of Giles Hoare, five pounds in money, To be payde him att the age of one and twenty years, or soon(er) if in the discretion of the ov(er)seers of this my testam(en)t it shall seeme requisite for his p(re)ferm(en)t to some trade or occupation.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Walter Hoare my best suite of wearing apparell.
Item my will is that the great Fate (vat) in the oute house, together w(i)th all settles, shelves, benches and boordes fastened to my p(rese)nte dwelling house, And all talletes and outhouses, be suffered to stand and remaine unremooved dureing the life of my s(ai)d wife, and for her use,
And after her decease, to come and be possessed by my son(n)e Thomas Hoare.
All other my goodes and chattelles by me not dysposed I bequeath unto my s(ai)d wife and executrix, and to her disposeall,
And I no(m)inate, appoint and authorize my son(n)es in lawe John Battone and Thomas Ballinger to be the ov(er)seers of this my last (will) and testament.
Witnes my hand the day and yeare abovewritten.
signum testatoris Johannis Hoare
(The mark of the testator, John Hoare)
Signed in the p(rese)nce of:
John Clifford his marke
Edm: Welles
Probate of Will of John Hoare, 1644
Probatum fuit hu(ius)mo(d)i testamentu(m) apud Charleton Regis 3io die mensis Maii Junii Anno d(omi)ni 1644
Coram Johanne Hayward Cl(er)ico Surrogato ven(erabi)lis viri Francisci Baker legum d(o)c(t)oris Reverendi in Xr(ist)o patris ac d(omi)ni d(omi)ni Godfridi providentia divina Glouc(estrie) Ep(iscop)i Vicario in sp(irit)ualibus gen(er)alis etc
Ac per eum approbatu(m) et insinuatu(m) etc
Commiss(a)q(ue) fuit et est Administrac(i)o etc Exec(utrici) etc debite prius iurat(e) etc
(This will was proved at Charlton Kings on the 3rd day of the month of May June in the year of our Lord 1644
Before John Hayward, Clerk, Surrogate of the worshipful Francis Baker, Doctor of Laws, Vicar General in Spiritual etc of the Reverend Father and Lord in Christ, Godfrey, by divine providence, Lord Bishop of Gloucester,
And by him approved and favoured etc,
And administration was and is committed etc to the Executrix etc, she being first duly sworn etc.)
Richard Hoare, 1628, Norton, Gloucester
* Unfortunately this will no longer exists at the Gloucester Record Office. But there is a brief description of will in The Hoar Family in America by Henry Stedman Nourse:...
The will of Richard Hoare of Norton, an old man on the adge of ffour score years and upward, mentions wife Maude, sons Edmond, William, Robert, Thomas, son in law Robert Brayne, daughter Jane, daughter Elizabeth wife of Robert Brokinnge, and her children Mary, Anne, Elizabeth, and Anne daughter of Edward.