Will of Thomas Hoare 1626, of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
the xxxi th of January 1626
In the name of god Amen. I Thomas Hoare of Aylesbury in the county of bucks, cordwayner beinge sicke of body but of perficke rememboran(ce) thankes be to god for it I do ordaine this my last will and testament in mannoure and foarme following first I give and bequeath my soule into the handes of almighty god my Saviour and redeemer by whose mearitor I hope to be saved and my bodye to the grounde from whence it came to be buried in the churchyarde of Aylesbeary at the discreation of my executrix.
Imprimis I give and bequeathe to my daughter Agnes Orton xiid to be payde her within one month after my desease
It(e)m I give to my daughter Auradrye xiid to be payde to her when she doth demande it after My desease and also to her daughter xiid
It(e)m I give and bequeathe all the rest of my goodes and chattels landes and tenements unbequeathed unto my wife whome I doo ordeigne to be full executrix of this my last will and testament
and I doo ordeeine to be overseerers of this my last will my trusty & wellbeloved friends John Forriste and Jones Orton & I give to either Of them for theire paynes vi d a peace Sealed and de(c)lymend in the presence of John Forrist Christopher Arden Jonas Orton
This will was proved in the peculiar of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, on 5 April, 1627 by Elizabeth Hoare widow and executrix.
Will of Henry Hoare 1654, of Walton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
Below is an exact translation including spelling and two words included twice.
Julie the Eleaventh
Anno Domini One Thousand six hundred fiftie foureth
In the Name of God Amen
I Henery Hoare of Walton in ye Countie of Bucks being of perfect sense and memorie doo this present day make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. In primis I resign my Soule unto the hands of my most mercifull God and Saviour who hath redeemed it most. I resign my Bodie to the Earth whereof it was made. Item I bequeath and give to my eldest sonne Henery Hoare five shillings. Item I give to my second sonne John Hoare five shillings. Item I give to my Third sonne William Hoare five shillings. Item I give to my sonne in law Samuell Sympson 100 shillings. Item to my sonne Thomas Hoare five shillings and my Browne Cowe or Three pounds six shillings in monie. Item to my daughter Olive Brinklow five shillings. Item to each and every one of my Grandchildren Twelve pence a peece. Item the rest of my goods and Shattells I bequeath and give to my deare Wife Olive Hoare whom I appoynte and make my sole Executrix and further my Will is that she (that is my Wife) doo fully and perfectly without fraud pay or cause to so pay to all the above mentioned Legally resectivielie within the Tearme of twelve months next ensuing after the day of my death finallye I do desire and entreate Master Hugh Chibnall Minister of Walton and William Rilpin to be Overseers of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale Henery Hoare Hoare his marke.
Witness William Chadman Thomas Norris his marke
This Will was proved att London the the seventeenth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred fiftie and five before the Judge for probate of Wills and granting Administrations Lawfully authorized by the oath of Olive Hoare the Relict and sole Executrix named in the above written Will. To whom Administration of all and singular the goods Shattells and debts of the said Testator was Committed she being first legally sworne by virtue of a Commision rule and sayth fullie to administer the same....
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