
Advanced Topics (& Bleeding Edge Studies)

We often come upon bleeding / leading edge genetic genealogy questions that answers are not yet known. Sometimes, we get them answered quickly by perusing forums or asking known experts in the industry. Often, they have the same questions and are at the point looking for answers as well. We decided to start documenting them here and, as answers can be developed (possibly through a study), we will work to resolve them. (note: questions asked and answered quickly are simply documented in the normal wiki pages elsewhere as part of the knowledge base.) Listing the question as a study does not necessarily mean it is active. Just that we mean to get to it someday if not answered in the meantime.

Further studies

Further questions

That is, ones we simply list now as a bullet but no effort to delve deeper has been made
  • What is the standard deviation on various autosomal match (note: although we had it hear a year before the Shared cM project, we do not believe their technique really answers this question)
  • For distant matches (4th cousin and beyond), are matching segments more likely on the long chromosomes, short ones, or just as likely in both