
B06 John Hord bc1680 Shady Grove, Essex, Virginia

John Hord (Hoard, Hore, Hoare)
b.1675abt Cote House, Oxfordshire England
m. 1700abt Jane Jeane
d. 1747abt Shady Grove, Essex, Virginia, USA
See the related DNA Groupings page for this family and others' latest discoveries with DNA. See B09-HordsOfShadyGrove and B09-MalcolmsIntro for supplemental material.

Note: As of Fall 2015, this has become an Active Branch (and determined variation) in this project.  This after early 2015 we saw Malcolm Hoare (who is defining the B05 Richard Hoare group) match to a Horace Hord who was tested (and believed likely a John Hord descendant). So this group was moved from Other to an active branch on this project. A number of John Hord descendants were sought out, recruited and tested and are matching strongly with each other and Malcolm as well; creating a modal, and pulling one in from the abandoned, 2-member FTDNA Hord project as well (which we now manage).  Initial analysis indicates the John Hord line and Malcolm have a common ancestor within the 16th century time frame. For now, until the link is made, we are keeping these as separate branches in the Patriarch / Family pages here but using a single DNA Grouping for both. Information here was thrown together by H600 co-admin Randy Harr before recruiting Hord family members. Forgive the errors of the moment.

Originally, it was felt this should be a distinct group and description, and maybe not even a part of our H600 Surname Study.  We captured the information because some confused the lines here with others in this project. DNA testing of two individuals in the early but abandoned 2008 FTDNA Hord project places them in two very different DNA groups; neither in this project initially. There has been some reporting that the Hord surname was Hore back in England though.  And further overlap with reporting that some North American descendants changed the name to Hoard, a common variant seen here. Hence, we are cataloging them until this can be sorted out.

Some list John Hord as born in Surrey, part of Southeast England in 1664/1679 and arrived Virginia by 1702 but likely in 1685 as an indentured servant. Others have him born in Cote House, Oxfordshire, England. John Hord founded a large plantation, Shady Grove, in Virginia and died there. He supposedly is related to an Alan Hord, who arrived VA in 1650, and an Elias Hord who arrived VA in 1654. Lots to figure out with DNA a likely assist.

Researchers and Descendants (current)

J. Mark Hord *YRWSite (arch)Francis Thornton7, Francis Triplett6, Thornton5, Elias4, Jesse3, Thomas2, John1
Vernon Hord *YRW John Parham7, Newton Herbert6, John James5, Thomas4, Rhodin3, Thomas2, John1
Laura Smith *Y  
Tim Peterman *A FPSarah Ann Lovell7, Jestina Smith6, Sarah5, Stanwix4, Mordecai3, unk2, John1
Paula Dedmon *Y WP Thomas Richard6, Jesse5, James4, Thomas3, John2, John1
Phil Mullen FGFG Alvin7, Luzern6, Andrew Jackson5, Nathaniel Green4, Peter3, Peter2, John1, Edward0, Edmund-1
Christina HenryDB  
Bernie DB, RW

* Family member DNA tested; placed in group (YDNA-STR and/or Autosomal SNP aka FamilyFinder)
** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only

Researchers and Descendants (TBD)

Reuben Hord was born into slavery in 1814 on the Shady Grove plantation in Essex County, VA. There is a belief that Reuben is the son of one of the plantation masters. The plantation was started by John Hord a hundred years earlier. DNA results of Lynn's husband's cousin in the original Hord FTDNA project are now showing he is totally unrelated now though. That is, Reuben Hord is not a patrilineal descendant of John Hord. So we keep them here just until more can be discovered as they have the surname.
Lynn Fisher Hill *Y Started FTDNA Hord projectAncy Earl V4, Fred John3, John Henry2, Reuben1
T Hord Owens Ancy Noel Ernest4, Fred John3, John Henry2, Reuben1

Researchers and Descendants (past)

Rev Arnold Harris Hord   need to extract and add his lineage here  
Robert Hord need to extract and add his lineage here

Books and Articles

A reminder that material on the English Ancestry of John Hord, especially as published by Arnold Harris Hord (or copied from it), is now deemed inaccurate. DNA testing here shows the original surname coming from England is Hore.

Recent Articles or Sections in Larger Work

  • Schuster, Carol and Mullen, Phil Hord, Shady Grove Report, August 2013, (Hords of Harris Creek)
  • et al, Wealthy in Heart: Oral History of Life Before Fort A.P. Hill, 15 Jul 2009, Paciulli, Simmons & Assoc Ltd, Fairfax VA (Fort AP Hill site)
  • , WPA - Caroline County Survey Card 107, Dec 1939, part of larger work ...(?), (Woodfork Genealogy scan capture of 3 pages describing the John Hord Shady Grove entry)
  • Newspaper Article covering some of the Hords of Harris Creek, 8 Jan 2020, Kings Mountain Herald, page 2